Michelle’s Modelling pinup fitness shoot

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Enjoyed a fabulous first shoot with the lovely and hard-working Michelle’s Modelling pinup. She arrived at the studio, bang-on time, make-up done beautifully and a case load of her own outfits, that she intended to mix with some of our outfits.

She had taken the trouble to study the shoot-plan and had even practised the poses she wanted to try. Even better, she studied the various vintage posture guides in our About section. This meant we hit the proverbial ground running and started producing some excellent shots very quickly.

She has a lovely petite but curvy figure with a flat tummy and exceptionally tiny waist. She also knows how to hold herself and has excellent posture in front of the camera. This makes her perfect for my style of vintage type work. In fact, she seems to understand the genre well. She is bubbling with enthusiasm and is very keen to learn. And she looks amazing in our vintage corsetry.

We tried a variety of girdles corsets and tight vintage corsetry on her. She also brought some rather nice vintage style swimwear of her own too. And the black suede boots were the proverbial cherry on the cake.

It was such a good shoot that we are already discussing a second one. Perhaps try some of the costumes that we did not have time for during the first shoot. Luckily for me, she only lives a few kilometres from my studio.

Meantime, if you have the chance to work with her, then be sure to do so. She’s a lovely model, a lovely person and I recommend her very highly indeed.

Michelle’s Modelling pinup photos

(Monochrome images are on gallery page 2.)

Michelle’s Modelling by other photographers

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