Zoe34 pinup fitness

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[Jump to photo gallery] Zoe34 pinup fitness – a thoroughly enjoyable and very productive first shoot with the lovely Zoe. Now Zoe is a delightful woman: charming and considerate. Seems she is also a big corset fan. Which is great because so are we. Smile

So we tried a variety of corsets and good old-fashioned shape-wear on her. No idea what happened to the time though. Our six hour shoot overran by almost 2 hours – but the whole thing seemed like about twenty minutes! And we still didn’t get through all the costumes. But what we did try looked fantastic on her. And she has promised to come back to try some more in the near future

I hope she does because she is a lovely model, a lovely person and comes very highly recommended.

Zoe34 pinup fitness pictures

Zoe34’s pictures taken by other photographers…

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