Kris pinup fitness

Kris perfect posture rotation

[Jump to photo gallery] Kris pinup fitness – a fabulous first pinup-fitness shoot with the delightful Kris. Now Kris is a very classy lady indeed, with a clear olive complexion and a classic Mediterranean look. Her tiny waist and hourglass figure is perfect for vintage work. Her thick rich hair catches the light and the wind beautifully, and her cheeky smile lights up the room.

We tried a variety of costumes ranging from retro swimwear, through to some seriously firm corsetry – all of which looked absolutely fabulous on her. We also tried some dresses, some furs and a full length cheongsam. In fact I lost count of all the costume changes, we did so many! She is a very hard-working girl.

It was so much fun that our planned six hour shoot actually overran by over an hour . Yet it all seemed to whiz-past in what seemed like about twenty minutes! So we didn’t have time to try all the costumes we had planned. But hopefully she’ll like the photos and come back for another shoot some day.

Lovely model, lovely person and very highly recommended. 🙂

Kris pinup fitness pictures

2 thoughts on “Kris pinup fitness

  1. The model is so gorgeous, im speechless!

    • Thank you Carla. As well as being very beautiful, Paula is a very nice person to work with too.

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