Shoots 2001~2010

Shoots 2001~2010.

2005-01-14 Chiara tight belt

This shoot borrows heavily from pictures of 1950's pin-up Betty Brosmer. Here we study what happens when Chiara pulls her tummy right in and then ties a belt tightly at her waist. We did manage to grab a few more relaxed snaps of her modelling some rather nice dancewear too..

2005-03-04 Chiara

Classic "T-shirt and girdle " fitness shoot with Chiara. She also models a nice blue Chinese bra and pantie girdle set, teamed up with a pair of unusual PVC "beddyboots".

2005-03-11 Carlie

Carlie in a studio shoot where she models a variety of bikini-bottoms, dance-tops, bras and panty-girdles worn as hotpants.

2005-04-19 Chiara LED

Experimental shoot where we wrap a bikini or bra and girdle clad Chiara in lots of LED fairy lights.

2005-05-06 Carlie and Chiara

Carlie and Chiara in animal print two-piece costumes and retro one piece swimsuits.

2005-05-13 Chiara and Nikki

Regular model Chiara and fitness model Nikki in the first of many retro-fitness shoots.

2005-05-27 Chiara

Chiara models some nice looking fitness wear followed by a corset shoot.

2005-05-31 Chiara and Nikki

Regular model Chiara, and fitness model Nikki in their second retro-fitness shoot.

2005-06-17 Carlie and Chiara

Carlie and Chiara in a fabulous fitness and dancewear shoot.

2005-07-01 Chiara and Nikki

Regular model and fitness model Nikki in their third retro-fitness shoot.

2005-07-15 Chiara and Nikki

Regular model and fitness model Nikki in their fourth retro-fitness shoot.

2005-07-22 Chiara

Chiara modelling for an experimental outdoor shoot as storm clouds brewed overhead.

2005-08-05 Becky and Carlie

Best friends Becky and Carlie experiment with girdles, corsets and old-style swimwear.

2005-09-27 Debbie

Regular model Debbie in her last ever shoot.

2005-09-30 Chiara and Dee

Dee's retro shoot choreographed by Chiara 2005-09-30. Features retro bras, girdles, bikinis and one-piece swimsuits.

2005-10-11 Becky Carlie and Chiara

Fabulous three-girl shoot with best-friends Becky and Carlie guided by regular model Chiara. Here they model a variety of retro corsetry and swimwear, with a little and figure control and fitness modelling thrown in too for effect.

2005-10-21 Chiara and Nikki

Time to straighten those shoulders and tuck in those tummies as Chiara and fitness model Nikki set to work on another retro fitness shoot.

This time the tables are turned, as Nikki works on Chiara's figure. The results of which are simply stunning!

2005-11-25 Carlie and Chiara

Carlie and Chiara in experimental lighting shoot. Basically after a few warm-up shots, they both donned skin-tone bras and matching body-shaping control briefs while we wrapped then in hundreds of LED's.