- Camera: Fuji S2 Pro digital SLR.
- Camera position: Between 1 metre and 3 metres from models, from
within ±30º from the front of the work area
- Camera settings: Aperture = f9.5 ± 1 'stop', Shutter speed
around 1/90 (~11 milliseconds)
- Dates: 2003-10-12; 2003-10-19; 2003-11-02; 2003-11-04.
- Film speed emulation: ISO 200.
- Lens: Sigma 24-135 millimetre.
- Lighting (fill-in): 2 x Photax Interfit 150 joule flash heads fired
remotely from behind models or scenery.
- Lighting (main): 2 x Courtenay 600 joule, variable
output flash heads, set to around 450 joules, bounced of studio
brollies. Light stands were situated between 2 metres & 3 metres from
models at an angle of 30º to 45º from the front. Flash head centres were
around 1.8 metres from the ground.
- Location: Southampton UK.
- Scenery: Colourama 2.75 metre X 11 metre paper
roll (colour: polar white #182), suspended from Interfit
gas-damped stands & roll holder. Where models were wearing white, some
scenes feature an additional cane screen to prevent the garments fading
into the scenery. This is believed to date from the 1920's.
Copyright & legal
- All pictures used in the 'Modern girls in girdles' project are
copyright © 2003 all rights reserved.
- Pictures appear on the Zona site with our written permission.
- Photos have been approved for use by the two
models, Carlie & Chiara - who have both signed standard model release
- Pictures may not be copied, duplicated or used for any other
purpose without our written consent.
- Anyone wishing to use these pictures should contact us directly at...