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Gallery 18 - white Gay Slant girdles by Berlei


  • White push-up bra by Debenhams (2002)
  • White nylon/lycra panty girdle, Gay Slant by Berlei (1990)
  • Black stilettos by Jaques Michel, UK


  • White padded bra by Marks & Spencer (1989)
  • Striped, sleeveless top bought via Ebay, of unknown manufacture, made in Spain
  • White nylon/lycra roll-on girdle, Gay Slant by Berlei (1977)
  • White stilettos by Studio D, UK


These girdles are from Berlei's famous Gay Slant range.

As Chiara observed, Gay Slant is probably not a trade name you'd choose for a product these days! The name is indicative of this product's long past. In fact, the panty is still made today although the roll-on was discontinued many years ago.

Made of a very firm elastic fabric and featuring rigid tummy panels these provide superb figure control. But the girls felt that these girdles shaped their bodies more by brute-force rather than by the cleverly shaped panels used in more modern shapewear. Although the girls found them much more comfortable than they looked, they tended to flatten everything - bottoms as well as tummies.

The girls added that they would prefer them in black!


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